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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Flower Balls | decoration

What we're making today!

What you need:
  • foam balls (they come in packs of 1, 3 or 6 depending on the size you choose to get.  I got the 6 pack from Roberts Crafts but I actually think they're cheaper at Hobby Lobby)
  • dowels, for the stem (also purchased from Roberts Crafts, I got a couple skinny ones back by the custom framing department for like .79cents a pop)
  • scrapbook paper (for these little 3" balls it takes about 2 squares of scrapbook paper per ball-I actually use two different shades, so it uses about half of each)
  • pins (white ball kind, also purchasable from Hobby lobby for pretty cheap)
  • 1 flower punch found at Michaels (the flowers I have are more like daisies and I like the had I to do it over again I'd do that for two reasons.  One, I like the look of it better, two, it's a larger punch and you have to punch fewer flowers!)

To begin:
1.  For the flowers.  Punch out your flowers.  If you're going to do two different shades of flowers you only need about 3/4 of both squares.  So punch out your flowers and put them in piles.  On my flower balls I have two different shades of scrapbook paper.  This was an accident because I ran out of flowers on the first one so for the second flower I decided to do the bottom petals a darker shade than the top petals.  I like it because it adds a little dimension to it.
 2.  Now what I do, is start in the middle and make a ring around the ball.
3.  Then I go up.  I've found it's easiet, or less time consuming after I get my first round done, to stash the bottom ones underneath the other layers....see picture.
4.  Just keep doing this all around the flower and you're done!
5.  Sometimes, I put a dark on in the very top because it gets hard to stuff them in when it gets tight...

 I put mine in a vase with some rafia grass from easter, but you can just leave them as balls and put them in a bowl or do whatever.
Good luck crafting...and comment if you need help!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Teacher Appreciation | gift

I stole this idea from here.  I cannot express how AMAZING this woman is.  I love almost ALL posts and I want to do all of them.

What you need:
4x4 post cut into a square.
fabric scraps (or scrapbook paper) I did fabric mainly for the texture difference)
a 2x2"of scrapbook paper
mod podge

To do this I first got a square piece of wood.  I got mine from the photo cube I did previously.  I painted it.
Then I cut 4 squares of fabric and mod podged it on.

For the front I then rounded a little square piece of scrapbook paper and added my own little touch.  I heart Miss Becky.
Wrap some ribbon around it.

Drill some holes and voila!